Monday 22 January 2024

45th - Remember When We Were Young?

 Not harping on the age thing, but it is a justification to reflect. I thought I remembered a song by that title, and thought I heard it/the band at the Blues Fest in Byron Bay last year. Some of that is correct.

We used to never say never
Used to think we live for ever
Flying free beneath the sun

Days go running and hiding
The weeks are going slippin and sliding
Years leave quicker every time they come
Remember when we were young

Or the other version by 'Chain':


Anyway, progress has been exceptional for the planning for the 45th Reunion, with steering committee lunch last week rolling the throughts of each into a draft plan. Additionally, I called in on the Dean at the Law School in the lower campus, Sandy Bay, and was very well received by Prof Gino dal Pont.

We've resolved on a Friday 3pm, 8th March 2024 refresher at the Law School, and informal address by the Dean, and questions and answer session on the 'State of Play' with the University and what happens to law students when they enter and ultimately depart (law school, profession, alternative careers, etc).

Gino will then give us a tour of facilities, which I thought about: remember when the Vice-Chancellor opened or re-opened the law faculty 5 years, ago - when he must have had on his mind that he was endeavouring to finish plans to move the faculty into the city! What a curious way to run a ball room!

Refreshments after, courtesy of the Dean, and free evening Friday.

Saturday, dinner, I'll consolidate plans in the next week and send out formal invitations with request for response and confirmation you are going to attend.

For Sunday, I've been wrestling with the simplicity of a BBQ at the Waterworks, and then Belinda Bingham (Webster) suggested 'Frogmore Creek Winery' on the way to Richmond - great for a Sunday lunch and lazy afternoon. So I'll investigate with them what they can do for us.

Meanwhile, Leigh Sealy found his photos of the last 'gig in the sky' - and I'll re-post them below.

Talk soon.

Interesting times. For good reason the Law School commissioned or received this portrait of character, advocate and barrister, John Kable QC, who died young, but made a mark. Now, within a generation, it is unacceptable and to appease perceived views, has been removed
Prof Emeritus Don Chalmers leading the chorus with 'Rule Britannica' - What a kind gentleman, and great help in the last reunion. He now sits aside our Governor Barb Baker on the big sandstone pile near the Tasman Bridge
Recognise the faces and heads? Lovely people

Something called a moot court. I reckon we would have enjoyed a few more moots back then.
Warwick Smith: a few years in parliament, and one gravitates to the pedestal. I see former Associate Judge Stephen Holt , being overlooked by Tom Holmes, with Michael McHugh, Joan Roberts, and Debra Rigby - with Noges in white
Striptease? Must have been one of the younger students at the re-opening of the faculty building after the floods in 2018
Sealy the photographer: one might wonder. I suspect the Vice Chancellor is reading his notes up front
Father Michael Tate, Kate the Governor at the time, and David Ashton-Lewis - preparing for further work in Fiji

A re-production of the old 1978 photo with same people and places, but in 2019

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