Saturday 9 March 2024

It's not age that wearies them, but continual recreation: 45th Year Law School Tas Uni Graduation Reunion. Report: 10th March 2024

 An extremely courteous reception at the Uni law school, Sandy Bay lower campus, from Dean Prof Gino Dal Pont, with Bernard Cairns in attendance, and former governor, Kate Warner, was enjoyed by the group of approximately 20 of our year graduates.

Refreshing the memory with 'old' faces, and chatting around the wine and cheese provided by the Law School, was a relaxed affair, overlooking the Uni sports oval, and with outside temp in the order of 27 degrees.

Gino gave us an open and positive review of the Uni's apparent reversal of form on the dismantling of the Sandy Bay campus, and retraction of the previous push into the city.

Sceptics will view this as only a temporary reprieve, and we will need to keep a close monitor on the Machiavellian antics of the bureaucrats.

Current Uni students addressed us, detailing how our previously anarchic syndication the "Tas Uni Law Students Association" had morphed into a committee of 20, with formal portfolios and many methods of helping students survive what they described as an arduous learning course. No doubt.

As the sun tilted toward Mt Wellington, the wine ran out and so did we, some reserving their energy for the next event, others to the Metz for a further refreshment, and on to dining establishments.

Come Saturday 9th March, and temperatures forecast into the mid 30s, it was a slow day, and the group did what they could to get to the Ball and Chain restaurant on time, or in some cases, at all. A couple of grown men in our group thought it was the Astor we should be going to (Robert Noga - legend), and Bruce Levet seemed otherwise engaged in NSW. His absence amply compensated by late entrant, as we were blessed by the presence of Councillor Geoffrey Tremayne.

The Ball and Chain set up was relaxed, a long room to ourselves, ability to turn up or off the music, and a great range of dishes and wines. 

Speeches, limited to 3 minutes a piece (more or less) erupted after dinner, and the general tone was of the great privilege we had in our education, and also, more particularly, in the people we were surrounded by during those 4 or so years in the mid-late 1970s.

Particular reference was made, by way of exception, to a few of the lecturers, who seemed to run different agenda, self aggrandizement or fear tactics - but in reality, that was a lesson too.

For most of the educators, the comments we exceedingly positive, and great gratitude expressed for their resource, skill, knowledge, and willingness to impart. Particular mention for Sorna, whose good grace was again evident in his recent email to us.

In regard to our cohort, a number of speakers made express wishes of good health to Jim Cousland, and voted thanks for his generosity with his knowledge, and pressure and power in exerting some degree of control over the way the faculty interacted with us.

Good humour was the theme, and laughs all around, as the evening progressed. 

But now, I'm off to Frogmore Creek for lunch. See you there.

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